REVIEW: The Ruby Slippers - Epstein Theatre

On Saturday 5th November, The Epstein Theatre was home to two performances of The Ruby Slippers. The Break a Leg production in association with Bill Elms burst onto the stage at 6PM / 9PM and fireworks ensued.

Written by Emma Culshaw and David Paul, directed by Mark Heller and produced by Bill Elms, the two-act play tells of The Ruby Slippers and the difficulties that landed on its door. The writers explore the subject of change and particularly how the dynamics of relationships change, transformation and growth.

From the outset when Raz owner of  Blackpool drag club The Ruby Slippers bursts onto the stage, the energy is high. Emphatically dancing and lip-syncing to Katy Perry's Hot 'N Cold he captivated the audience from the get-go. He was an absolute dynamo and the audience felt connected to him. James Rogerson plays the role of Raz.

It transpires that The Ruby Slippers is suffering due to the success of rival drag club (The 9inches). Raz is losing his staff and the financial impact on The Ruby slippers is proving catastrophic. We find out that Raz is in love with his flat mate and barman Ryan. When his feelings are on the face of it unrequited, we witness Raz's response. He sinks into the depths of despair and hits the bottle.

We go on a journey with Raz and Rylan and soon learn that Ryan has a secret and  is transgender. His predicament of being a heterosexual woman trapped in a mans body being loved by a gay man is explored through the performance. 

The cast is small but interacts and work so well together. What they lack in quantity, they make up for in quality of performance. Jordan Simms (Phoenix) and Owen Farrow (Destiny) were hilarious.  

The set was designed by Gemma Hollywood and was fantastic. With it's Elizabeth Taylor memorabilia and references to Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz, you really get a sense of being in a club with it's ecletic mix of paraphernalia.

The Ruby Slippers is symbolism for being away from what is familiar, being in uncharted territory, a long way away from home, a place where the protagonist must lean on friends that come into their life along the way to embark on a journey of self discovery and acceptance. It symbolises breaking down stereotypes, being out of your comfort zone. The characters realise quite quickly that they are not in Kansas anymore. The topics are sensitively covered by the writers.

This is a story of loyalty, Destiny and Phoenix stand by Raz and continue to work at The Ruby Slippers despite the lure of the rival club. They treat Ryan / Rachel with compassion and help Raz to see things from a different perspective. The show highlights that prejudice exists even from within the LBGT community. Raz initially unleashes bigoted views on Ryan / Rachel however he eventually changes his outlook of sexuality and orientation.The show explores identity. Debra Redcliffe delivers some fantastic dialogue throughout and nurtures the spirit of her beloved Ryan / Rachel.

Emma Vaudrey plays Laura - an old school friend of Raz. She spends her time trying to convince Raz to sell The Ruby slippers to the local supermarket chain. He resists and later forms an alliance with her to keep the club open. 

Ryan and later Rachel are played by Jamie Paul who plays both roles with tenderness and skill. He is to be commended as are the rest of the cast. The interaction with him and his mother  is wonderful to see. Phoenix and Destiny vibed off each other and interacted well with their cast members. 

There were slut-drops, catwalk competitions, and even a magnificent Dirty Dancing re-enactment. It is emotional, it is sensitive, it is hilariously entertaining but also challenges the audience's own perception of change and dynamics of relationships. The power of love is tested. Loving someone is never easy regardless of their sexual orientation. It is an entertaining show and it takes you on a journey. The fact that the performance was so well attended despite it being Bonfire night, is a testament to the quality of the show.

If you get chance to watch this, click your heels together three times and get yourself to the nearest theatre that is showcasing the show. It was a spectacular performance, a beautiful mix of tenderness and hilarity.


Raz - James Rogerson
Ryan / Rachel - Jamie Paul
Phoenix - Jordan Simms
Destiny - Owen Richard Farrow
Helen - Debra Redcliffe
Laura - Emma Vaudrey

Visit The Ruby Slippers Website for more information.
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